Be Your Own Best Friend

Embrace the wonderful person you are.

3/9/20232 min read

“Everyone deserves a best friend that believes in them… so be that friend for yourself!”–Unknown

Wherever you go, whatever the circumstances you are going through, you are with yourself. Even when you are distracted and seem disconnected from yourself, you are never ever all alone. Trying to escape from yourself is an impossible task. Wherever you go, there you are.

A little reflection clearly reveals that it is much better to befriend ourselves and start a wonderful relationship with the one person who will always be there with us. For in life and in death, our self is always there, and it is also always ready to reflect back to us the way we have taught it to treat us.

That is why it is so important to love ourselves unconditionally and be our own best friend. For it is the only guarantee we will always have someone on whom to lean and count in times of need. When we are our own best friend, we never fail ourselves and are always supportive of ourselves. We stand by ourselves when we most need help, support ourselves and choose the very best for our highest good.

On the other hand, if we are not our own best friend—sometimes we are even our own worst enemy—we will tend to let ourselves down, rarely going for our highest good. We will also lack faith in ourselves and in our capacities: since we do not value ourselves, we will only choose and attract things that match our low vibration and will always set our bar low, convinced we are not deserving and worthy.

So let us begin to cultivate a wonderful relationship with ourselves; let us be our own best friend: let us begin right now to honor ourselves and embrace the wonderful person that we are. Our mistakes, our past, cannot dim the resplendent light that we are. We were born to shine and to brighten the lives of those we encounter on our way. Our love for ourselves will heal our wounds and those of our bruised fellow human beings.

“When you are your own best friend, you don’t endlessly seek out relationships, friendships, and validation from the wrong sources because you realize that the only approval and validation you need is your own.”–Mandy Hale