Keep Going: The Power of Patience
Patience will get you there.
6/17/20232 min read
“Have patience with all things but first of all with yourself.”—Francis de Sales
The road of change is most of the time long, lonely, and winding. We can get discouraged and sad because the next day is not different from yesterday, and our pains do not seem to lessen. Some have given up because their reservoir of hope and patience became empty.
But you do not need to give up. You have made your decision and you’re on your way to better days and a fulfilling life and you have what it takes to get there. We are not running on empty, though sometimes we have that impression; we have a great store of patience within us.
Anything worthwhile that human beings have ever achieved took a lot of time. Rome was built over many centuries—it was not built in a day. For us humans, too, great things take time to mature and materialize, which means we must be willing to wait and go through the process.
When we are working on ourselves, we are truly like a talented sculptor carving a masterpiece. Yes, we all are masterpieces waiting for the time to manifest in all our glory. We have the seeds of fulfillment, joy, love, happiness, and all the good that any human can experience within us. Sometimes we just forget this. But we don’t have to.
Your greatest good can be just one more step ahead. If you give up now, you would have come this far in vain. You have been wonderful and smart, embarking on the journey of change and becoming the best version of yourself. You have seen small and great wonders on your healing journey. Remember them! Can you remember those days you thought you could no longer carry on anymore? Do you still remember those times you thought all was over? Most probably. But you are still there and surely what you overcame has given you strength.
So, keep going. Be patient with yourself. You’ve got this. You deserve all the patience, love, and kindness you might ever need. How do I know that?... Because we are all worthy individuals whatever our past or belief about ourselves. Our coming to earth qualifies us for the best that life can bring. Provided we are here, we deserve a good life and the very best that it can bring. So, let us acknowledge the blessings that life has in store for us, though they might come in disguise.
“We can all endure disaster and tragedy, and triumph over them—if we have to. We may not think we can, but we have surprisingly strong inner resources that will see us through if we only use them. We are stronger than we think.”—Dale Carnegie