Your Words Are Magic
Words are powerful. Let us use them wisely.
1/7/20232 min read
“If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive.”—Betty Eadie
Our words can both heal and destroy. It depends on our choice of them. In fact, in themselves, words are just groups of characters; their actual power awakens when we assign meaning and feeling to them. Then they can either uplift us or pull us to the ground.
You can easily verify the power of words in your life. When you are going through a terrible experience, you tend to tell yourself that life is “bad”, that the “worst” could happen. You might tell yourself these things: I am “sick and tired”, life is a “burden”—and these words will mean a lot to you during those times.
When everything is going well, we tell ourselves that life is “good”, that “blessings” are pouring down upon us. We use positive words like “good”, “awesome”, “wonderful”, “blessed”…
And these words we use will reinforce our states. However, words can not just reinforce our states, but can also create them. If we develop the habit of speaking kind and encouraging words to ourselves, they will enhance our mood and increase our well-being. Our positive mindset will have a powerful impact on our health. And when we are healthy, happy, and joyful, we will have more zest to navigate our lives. Negative words cause stress, which affects our body negatively.
So, it is imperative that we choose the words we speak to ourselves, wisely and judiciously. Our self-talk will make or unmake our destiny. We could make a list of sentences—affirmations—and constantly repeat them to ourselves, to change our mindset and life. In the beginning, the words might sound hollow, but if we constantly repeat these sentences, they will have meaning to us and we will believe they are true about us. We might tell ourselves:
I am a wonderful human being.
I rule my destiny.
I am blessed.
I am more than enough.
My life is great.
I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
I am safe and secure.
I can weather any storm.
You can create other appropriate affirmations.
After repeating them for a while, you will find that these sentences have ceased to be just words to you, but have become some of the building blocks of your life; they form part of your life. You know they are true for you. They are magic now.
Our fellow human beings, too, need nurturing and positive words to grow and thrive. So, let us be compassionate and kind to them, and tell them words that heal and uplift. The positive words we tell them could mean the world to them. Let us always choose kindness.
“Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.”—Anonymous