The Art of Giving Back: Making a Difference

Our contributions make the world a better place.

1/30/20242 min read

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” — Maya Angelou

If you are reading this article, this means that you are alive. You still have some paths to walk; you still have some people to bless on your way through your deeds and intentions. And if we reflect on our journey, we will surely find out that we have been countlessly blessed. Sometimes, when we least expected it, some blessing happened which brightened our day and transformed our lives.

Life is bountiful and generous. The air we breathe is priceless, and it is given freely and abundantly. We need the energy of the sun, and it is given generously and freely to all. In its season and time, the rain falls and waters our fields so we might get nourishing food. Every day, we count on so many services provided by our fellow human beings. Without the contribution of each and every one, life would be dull and difficult.

All that life gives us are causes of gratefulness and wonder. But we should not let life pass us by, merely consuming what life and others offer us generously. Our purpose is to bring our contribution to the table so that the flavor of humanity’s meal is enhanced. Maybe you are wondering what you have to give, thinking you’re not good enough, that your gifts are worthless.

However, no gift is too small when it comes from the heart. It is the energy with which it is given that makes all the difference. The pure intention with which we give our gifts sparkles and kindles the flame that is in everyone. Our gifts can be lifetime memories, rippling endlessly. We just might have shown to someone the art of giving through our selfless deeds.

Our contributions can change the world: our generosity, our compassion, the gift of our time to a suffering person, helping a struggling student, volunteering to better our community, doing our best to become better human beings so we can bless the world… Our blessings are abundant just as life is bountiful. We do not have to wait for another day or the perfect time to give to the world what people are hungering for. Today can be the day. So, just let it be that day.

It is when we give back that the world becomes a richer place. Just imagine this: all human beings on the earth are animated with the passion of giving their best— the very talents and resources they were born to share—to make this world a better place. This is the moment when wonders happen, and heaven becomes a place on earth. So let us all develop the art of giving and change the world.

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” — Kahlil Gibran